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Watch Rathinirvedam - 1978 HD Movies Online

Rathinirvedam Watch and Download Free Movie in HD Streaming

Video streaming Rathinirvedam HD Movies Online, and this by itself must ensure that you get a sign of how a lot people love this movie.

The film runs for 124 minutes but it surely fails to assume that way as the video is fast moving and there are more than enough subplots to keep you connected. The director manages to keep the tale coherent, and you just never ever shed an eye on what is going on.

Storyline Rathinirvedam :

The story takes place in a small village surrounded by hills and valleys. Young Pappu, a teenager, awaiting school results to go to college, has plenty of time on hand. His trouble is adolescence, but neither his mother nor his aunt can diagnose his affliction. Everything around him excites and stimulates his sexual curiosity. Twenty plus Rathi, the girl next door, has been chechi (elder sister) to him since he was a child. Unaware of the stirrings of his desire, she dismisses his first overtures to her as boyish pranks. But soon her feelings change. She is sympathetic to the boy's confusion and goes to the sarppakkavu (cobra-shrine) to keep a midnight date with Pappu. It storms and thunders while Pappu makes love to Rathi. Only then do the storms—the one tormenting him inside his mind and the other raging thunderously on the outside, subside. Aghast at what has happened,

Movie Posters

Rathinirvedam details :

  • Genre :

  • Company :

  • Release : 1978-03-08

  • Runtime : 124 minutes

  • Vote : count

  • Rathinirvedam Clips :

    This movie is for sure to provoke feelings in a direction and other. Which has a first-class director, fantastic writing, along with an all-star cast, Rathinirvedam is definitely a motion picture that lives nearly its hype. The synergy of its areas makes all the motion picture higher in general, and that is certainly why That is a defined must-see movie.

    This movie is full of romance, a, drama, action and suspense humor. Rathinirvedam is the amount of film that should get you to the roller-coaster of emotions and thoughts with its magnificent overall performance and awesome visual effects.

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